TECHNO WORLD FESTIVAL TOURNAMENT (WTTF), which is an annual event that created by OSIS SMAN 3. The event was held for the students SMAN 3 classes 10 and 11, what the hell are we doing wttf? These pickles like the race between the forces.
for each class are required to wear a T-shirt free with uniform color, my class is 10-6 decide to use color this red .WTTF be an obligatory event held in SMAN 3, during the event all participants are required to speak with english
First of all the participants gathered in the fields of Bali, each group consisting of one class 10 and class 11. The moment we begin to solve the clues, it turns out after we solve these instructions are photography garden there we began to compete to get a piece of puzzel
in every race there when we lose and there is also time we win. essentially all perlmbaan teaches us to be more compact and jujur.after  finished game all participants WTTF back bali gathering on the field to determine the winner. Grade 10 and 11 were assigned to draw up puzzel obtained, within 10 minutes 3’2019 where the fastest compile then the winner

In less than 10 minutes of class participants 10 already successfully prepared puzzel, and give good results for the 3’2019, as the winner of the World Tournament Techno Festival


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